[Tuxaloosa] OpenOffice replaced with LibreOffice on SUSE

Beddingfield, Allen allen at ua.edu
Mon Mar 21 12:38:02 UTC 2011

Over the weekend, Novell quietly released an update for SUSE Linux 
Enterprise Desktop 11.1 that replaced their build of OpenOffice with 
their build of LibreOffice.  I expected it in 11.2 or 12, but that is 
pretty gutsy to roll it out unannounced in your regular patch cycle to 
you enterprise desktop product.  Doesn't bother me (I think it is a good 
move, and I'm glad they aren't afraid to actually push a major change 
like the Redhat guys are), but I'm sure some of the uptight corporate 
change control nazis (who are their main customer base for SLED) will 
flip out over it...
Another poke in the eye to Oracle is a good thing, in my opinion.

Allen B.

Allen Beddingfield
Systems Engineer
The University of Alabama

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