[Tuxaloosa] Open-source personal finance recommendations?

Erik Hanson leprkhn at gmail.com
Thu Dec 30 00:20:55 UTC 2010

> * mint.com which is surprisingly nice but really doesn't handle cash
> transactions very well at all - which is a problem for dinosaurs who
> still use cash a lot.  Plus you are giving all your financial logins
> to a third party.  Still if you're okay with that, it's a very very
> smooth service.  Gaping hole in their functionality is that there is
> no concept of reconciling an account, so you can't 'close the books'
> on a monthly statement, quarter, et c.  Also really works best if you
> knuckle under and use THEIR categories.  Android and iPhone app is a
> bonus.

Perhaps coupling the mint app with Day Bank (
http://www.catamount.com/catamountApps.php ). I haven't used it
myself, but I hear it's good for keeping track of cash transactions.

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