[Tuxaloosa] Older hardware?

Beddingfield, Allen allen at ua.edu
Thu Sep 24 19:26:14 UTC 2009

The only thing I have is a dual PII board, so Erik's hardware sounds better than what I have to offer.

Allen B.

From: tuxaloosa-bounces at tuxaloosa.org [tuxaloosa-bounces at tuxaloosa.org] On Behalf Of E.H. [leprkhn at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 2:23 PM
To: Tuscaloosa Linux Users Group
Subject: Re: [Tuxaloosa] Older hardware?

not sure which of us this was directed at, but in case it's me:
i don't get a whole lot of server hardware. but i DO have a server (tower, not rackable) that's looking for a home. i'm not too sure of specifics at the moment, but if you want it, it's yours. it works, has an old RAID card in it (one of the 80Gig drives is dead/dying) with two hot-swappable drive bays (i even have the keys). nice little (not in size) server that used to serve out files at manna grocery.
let me know if you want it and i'll make it happen.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 9:46 PM, Nilson Cain <nilson at gmail.com<mailto:nilson at gmail.com>> wrote:
You don't happen to have a motherboard  to hold two PIIIs do ya? I have some salvage equipment that I've been using for a personal server, currently got a PII/400 slot-1 running, but I have two PIII/1GHz slot-1 processors in my closet I'd like to put to use.

Nilson Cain
University of Alabama        Office of Information Technology, Research
nilson at gmail.com<mailto:nilson at gmail.com>             (205) 292-5231

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