[Tuxaloosa] Open-source personal finance recommendations?

Erik Hanson leprkhn at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 15:31:35 UTC 2011

I know you already made a choice, but I thought I'd add another anyway.
<http://www.youneedabudget.com/>Cross platform (win/mac/linux)

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Cameron Purvis <cameron.purvis at gmail.com>wrote:

> So Homebank has been subject to random crashes under Windows 7 64-bit.  I
> hope to have a Newegg order in sometime this week for parts to again have a
> working Linux box so here's to the hope that it's more stable under Linux.
> It seems remarkably close to Quicken and looks nice and clean.  The
> fallback will probably be mint, but it's not clear what alternate universe
> their categories came from.
> Thanks for the recommendations - more to come re. Homebank
> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 6:04 PM, Erik Hanson <leprkhn at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks to StumbleUpon, I have three more options to add:
>> jGnash:
>> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/jgnash/index.php?title=Main_Page
>> grisby: http://www.grisbi.org/
>> GFP: http://gfd.sourceforge.net/
>> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Cameron Purvis <cameron.purvis at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> That's always been a little 'iffy' for my taste.   I played with it a
>>> while back and seemed to get odd random crashes.  It's likely Untuit is
>>> using some unsupported calls that aren't properly emulated.  It's a little
>>> scary that this might dead-end into a reproducible crash case, that blocks
>>> actual use.
>>> It either works or doesn't, eh?  ;)
>>> HomeBank is looking promising, though...
>>> On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 10:07 PM, Beddingfield, Allen <allen at ua.edu>wrote:
>>>> Have you tried to get Quicken running on Codeweavers? They have it
>>>> listed as "Silver" for Quicken 2010.
>>>> Allen B.
>>>>  *From*: Cameron Purvis [mailto:cameron.purvis at gmail.com]
>>>> *Sent*: Saturday, January 01, 2011 09:44 AM
>>>> *To*: Tuscaloosa Linux Users Group <tuxaloosa at tuxaloosa.org>
>>>> *Subject*: Re: [Tuxaloosa] Open-source personal finance
>>>> recommendations?
>>>> Awesome suggestions, folks.  And anything that can be bundled with my
>>>> install, or trivially installed (I'm looking at you, Ubuntu app store) is
>>>> ideal.  Meta-work is a no-no.  :)
>>>> My tactic is going to be running Quicken and HomeBank concurrently for
>>>> about a month, and will probably give Mint a chance.  We'll see which of
>>>> these options is less hassle and how skeevy mint feels with my logins ...
>>>> On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Rick Williams <revrick56 at yahoo.com>wrote:
>>>>> I don't personally use financial software, but I also use Lighthouse
>>>>> Puppy OS. It includes HomeBank financial. Here is a link to that site:
>>>>> http://homebank.free.fr/
>>>>> I'm not promoting it, just passing it on for info.
>>>>> Rick
>>>>> --- On *Wed, 12/29/10, Beddingfield, Allen <allen at ua.edu>* wrote:
>>>>> From: Beddingfield, Allen <allen at ua.edu>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Tuxaloosa] Open-source personal finance recommendations?
>>>>> To: "'tuxaloosa at tuxaloosa.org'" <tuxaloosa at tuxaloosa.org>
>>>>> Date: Wednesday, December 29, 2010, 11:29 PM
>>>>> I hung on to Quicken 99 for way too long, and now I just use OpenOffice
>>>>> Calc spreadsheets.  Would be curious to see what solution you come up with.
>>>>> That MoneyManager looks promising...
>>>>> Allen B.
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: Cameron Purvis [mailto:cameron.purvis at gmail.com<http://mc/compose?to=cameron.purvis@gmail.com>
>>>>> ]
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 08:50 AM
>>>>> To: Tuscaloosa Linux Users Group <tuxaloosa at tuxaloosa.org<http://mc/compose?to=tuxaloosa@tuxaloosa.org>
>>>>> >
>>>>> Subject: [Tuxaloosa] Open-source personal finance recommendations?
>>>>> Hope everyone had a good holiday experience - sufficient quality and
>>>>> quantity food... :)
>>>>> So the calendar end of year is upon me.  I have used Quicken for
>>>>> personal finances for a very, very long time and have upgraded every
>>>>> couple of years.  Still, it's like the MS-Office case - it does all
>>>>> kinds of wonderful things, of which maybe 20% are things I use.  I'd
>>>>> like to 'reboot' my financial management.  I've tried a few things in
>>>>> the past but would love to hear from anyone out there who's doing
>>>>> personal finance work - what tools do you use?
>>>>> * Quicken - obviously the market leader.  It has the benefit of being
>>>>> the most widely-supported app in terms of bank integration for
>>>>> downloading transactions, et c.  Despite this, Intuit seems to be in a
>>>>> constant bug-fixing war.  Version 2009 is much better but they
>>>>> basically trashed the UI, at least to my notice after moving from 2004
>>>>> (or 2005).  It has lots of features that are nice but could probably
>>>>> be implemented outside the app like bill reminders, memorized
>>>>> transactions, et c.
>>>>> * GNUcash is the knee-jerk answer for OSS personal accounting.  It
>>>>> uses a different mental model from Quicken, and I may be too stupid to
>>>>> use it.  GNUcash looks like an awesome accounting app but may be
>>>>> overkill.  Still, maybe it's time to cowboy up and learn it?
>>>>> * Spreadsheets - several friends of mine just use spreadsheets to do
>>>>> this.  It is tempting to even do a google doc so that I have access
>>>>> everywhere but that gets close to the maybe-privacy-concern of...
>>>>> * mint.com which is surprisingly nice but really doesn't handle cash
>>>>> transactions very well at all - which is a problem for dinosaurs who
>>>>> still use cash a lot.  Plus you are giving all your financial logins
>>>>> to a third party.  Still if you're okay with that, it's a very very
>>>>> smooth service.  Gaping hole in their functionality is that there is
>>>>> no concept of reconciling an account, so you can't 'close the books'
>>>>> on a monthly statement, quarter, et c.  Also really works best if you
>>>>> knuckle under and use THEIR categories.  Android and iPhone app is a
>>>>> bonus.
>>>>> * Moneydance - non OSS but I tried this ages ago.  Kind of like
>>>>> Quicken's dumb cousin.
>>>>> * http://www.codelathe.com/mmex/ MoneyManager EX - looks like very
>>>>> similar to Quicken.  Anyone used this?
>>>>> Who uses any of these?  Do you have any others?  I'd love to hear what
>>>>> you prefer (or loathe).  My goal here is to have a reasonably good
>>>>> handle on financial ins and outs, the ability to use a relatively
>>>>> limited set of categories (utilities vs. groceries etc) for budgeting
>>>>> purposes, some ability to develop basic reporting (am I overspending,
>>>>> et c) and not spend too much time managing the whole thing.
>>>>> Surprisingly, Quicken for all its features turns out to NOT actually
>>>>> shave much time off the process.
>>>>> So - anybody got any input on this topic?
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