[Tuxaloosa] next meeting

Edward Terry eterry9 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 06:54:05 UTC 2010

> Hey Edward. Welcome to Tuscaloosa.

Thank you.

> The info on the web site is correct, however recently attendance has been
> sparse. Many of us had been busy through the holidays and i don't think that
> there has been a full fledged meeting yet this year.
> what brings you to the south?

I'm originally from Tuscaloosa, though I've been gone 15 years.  I 
previously lived in Portland, and before that in Atlanta.

> what do you do with your linux?

Nothing too technical; my background is in sales and customer service. 
I used to tinker a bit, but in recent years I've become more interested 
in a system that "just works", leading me to switch from Fedora to 
Ubuntu.  I'm also interested in open-source gaming, though I'm not a 
hard-core gamer.

> Correct indeed; I'm hoping that March will be somewhat closer
> to this fabled thing we call "normal" and we can actually have
> a meeting again...
> We can even do a "show and tell" - I canhaz SheevaPlug!  :D

Sounds interesting.  I'll look forward to it.


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