[Tuxaloosa] ssh problems

Andrew Browning drew826 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 16:53:52 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:48 AM, E.H.<leprkhn at gmail.com> wrote:
> i have a fresh ubuntu (9.04) server install here that won't accept ssh
> connections. i had it (openssh) installed when i installed the OS. not sure
> if it has to do with the way ubuntu auto-configures the sshd or if im just
> stupid today. i changed /etc/ssh/sshd.config so that it was bound to the
> servers static ip (it was bound to - which looked
> funny).

Being bound to usually means it will listen on all interfaces
for connections. As long as is the only IP address you'll
use to connect to this machine, there's harm in changing the listen
interface as you did.

> i don't know much about ssh, so if there's more info to be had let me know
> so i can post it.
> any help appreciated.

Have you verified that the ssh daemon is running? I'm not familiar
enough with Ubuntu to know where it keeps startup scripts, but you can
check for sshd by running `ps uax | grep sshd` or `netstat -ant | grep` from a terminal.

- Andrew

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