[Tuxaloosa] New Flyer?

Nilson Cain nilson at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 03:20:42 UTC 2009

Excellent. Thank you!

I'm going to print out some for my CS325 class. It's the third class in a
series of programming classes centered on C++ design, with some Java.
Anyway, we all got a 4GB USB stick with Xubuntu on it. That's our
development environment.

He has been teaching the class the basics of the Unix command line, along
with make and subversion. All our development will be in the Linux
environment, and as such, there will be a lot of interest generated about
Linux in general. I've already been approached by a few interested persons
asking me what distro I use :)

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 6:40 PM, E.H. <leprkhn at gmail.com> wrote:

> ok.
> the flier has been updated to reflect the new (current?) location.
> http://knowledgeunderground.com/tuxaloosa_web.jpg
> http://knowledgeunderground.com/tuxaloosa_print.jpg
> http://knowledgeunderground.com/tuxaloosa.pdf
> and if anyone feels like tinkering with it, heres the ai
> http://knowledgeunderground.com/tuxaloosa.ai
> e
> On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 2:06 PM, E.H. <leprkhn at gmail.com> wrote:
>> next time im in windoze ill do it.
>> On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Nilson Cain <nilson at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have run into a few individuals with the start of the semester
>>> interested in participating in the LUG. Our current fliers still list the
>>> Crimson Café as our meeting place, so could the creator of the flier update
>>> it to show the Crimson Café as the new meeting spot? (Eric I think?)
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Nilson Cain
>>> University of Alabama        Office of Information Technology, Research
>>> nilson at gmail.com             (205) 292-5231
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Nilson Cain
University of Alabama        Office of Information Technology, Research
nilson at gmail.com             (205) 292-5231
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